Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 232

Identify the following rhythms.







1st degree AV block with a PAC

The rhythm is irregular.   The heart rate is 80/min.   There are P waves that are associated with a QRS complex.   The QRS complex is narrow.   There is a PAC, the 2nd complex, that has a P wave buried in the T wave of the preceding complex.  PR:  .24 sec,  QT:  .08 sec,  QT:  .40 sec.  Interpretation:  1st degree AV block with a PAC

Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response 

The rhythm is irregularly, irregular.   The rate is 130/min.  No P waves are seen.  Some small irregular deflections are seen with the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 10th complexes but there are no corresponding deflections seen in the V1 lead.  So, they are probably not P waves.   The QRS complex shows some conduction delay.  No ectopic beats are seen.  PR:  ---,  QRS:  .10 sec,  QT:  .36 sec.  Interpretation:   Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response

Atrial paced rhythm

The rhythm is regular with a heart rate of 60/min.  The P waves are preceded by an atrial pacer spike.  There is 1 mm ST depression in lead II with corresponding 1 mm ST elevation in lead V1. No ectopic beats are noted.  PR:  .20 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .52 sec. Interpretation:  Atrial paced rhythm

1st degree block with a ventricular escape beat

The rhythm is irregular with a rate of 70/min.   The P waves are paired with a QRS complex. Some splitting of the P waves is seen.   A non-conducted P wave follows the 3rd complex.  This is followed by a ventricular escape beat.  The QRS complex is wide.  PR:  .22 sec,  QRS:  .16 sec,  QT:  .44 sec.  Interpretation:  1st degree block with a ventricular escape beat.

Sinus arrhythmia

The rhythm is irregular with a heart rate of 50/min.  The P waves are small, upright and have a corresponding QRS complex.   The QRS complex is narrow.   No ectopic beats are seen.   PR:  .16 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .48 sec.   Interpretation:   Sinus arrhythmia


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