Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 115

Identify the following rhythms.







Sinus tachycardia with a wandering baseline

The rhythm appears regular.   There is wander baseline.  Probably respiratory chest wall movement.  The rate is 150/min.   The P waves are upright and precede each QRS complex.  No ectopic beats are noted.  PR:  .16 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .28 sec.

Normal sinus rhythm with sinus arrest

Except for the pause, the underlying rhythm is regular.   The rate is 70/min.  (7 R waves X 10).  There are uniform, upright P waves before each QRS complex.  There is a 1.6 sec pause that begins the strip.  No ectopic beats are noted.  PR:  .20 sec,  QRS:  .12 sec,  QT:  .40 sec.

Normal sinus rhythm with muscle tremor artifact

The rhythm is regular with a rate of 83/min.  The P waves are upright and are associated with a QRS complex.  No ectopic beats are noted. There is muscle tremor artifact present. PR:  .16 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .36 sec.

Normal sinus rhythm with ventricular bigeminy

The rhythm is irregular due to the ectopic beats.   The rate is 100/min.  The P waves are upright and precede the QRS complex.  The P waves are tall and wide suggesting biatrial enlargement.  There are unifocal PVCs occurring every other beat.  PR:  .16 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .40 sec.

Atrial flutter

The rhythm is slightly irregular with a rate of 78/min.   No P waves are seen, only flutter waves in a 3:1 pattern.  No ectopic beats are noted.  PR:  ---,  QRS: .08 sec,  QT:  .24 sec.


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