Code Blue: Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation

Nothing beside remains.  Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Ozymandias   By Percy Shelley 

A 69 year old admitted with chest pain.


CPR rhythm
 CPR in progress with positive pressure ventilation

Defibrillaton at 200 J

Ventricular fibrillation on monitor
Defibrillate at 200 J
Post shock rhythm idioventricular rhythm
No pulse
Resume CPR

Defibrillation at 300 joules

Epinephrine 1mg IV given
CPR in progress
Rhythm check ventricular fibrillation
2nd shock at 300 joules
Post shock rhythm idioventricular rhythm
No pulse, continuing CPR


Vasopressin 40 units IV given
Continuing CPR
Intubation with 8.0 oral ET tube
Tube placement confirmed with positive end tidal CO2 and auscultation
Rhythm check: ventricular fibrillation
Defibrillation at 360 J
Pulseless idioventricular rhythm, resumed CPR


Epinephrine 1mg IV given
CPR in progress with positive pressure ventrilations via ET tube
Rhythm check ventricular fibrillation
4th shock at 360 joules
Post shock rhythm idioventricular rhythm
No pulse, continuing CPR


Amiodarone 300mg  IV given
CPR in progress
Rhythm check: ventricular fibrillation
5th shock at 360 joules
Post shock rhythm idioventricular rhythm
No pulse, continuing CPR


Epinephrine 1mg IV given
Epinephrine drip at 2mcg/min started
Continuing CPR
Rhythm check ventricular fibrillation
6th shock at 360 joules
Post shock rhythm idioventricular rhythm
No pulse, continuing CPR


Epinephrine 1mg IV given
Epinephrine drip increased to 4mcg/min
Continuing CPR
Rhythm check ventricular fibrillation
7th shock at 360 joules
Post shock rhythm idioventricular rhythm
No pulse, continuing CPR

Continuing CPR.
Epinephrine drip at 10mcg/min
Idioventricular rhythm on monitor
Remains pulseless and apneic
Code ended


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