ACLS Pharmacology Questions

16. A patient weighting 100kg is being treated for Asystole.  What is the maximum dose of Vasopressin that can be given?
a.         40mg/kg/min
b.         40units/kg
c.         40mcg/min
d.         40units.

17 Name the drug: Stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. Produces bronchodilation and increases heart rate and force of contractions.  Increases the electrical activity in the myocardium and automaticity.
a.         Epinephrine
b.         Dopamine
c.         Sodium Bicarbonate
d.         Atropine

18. Name the drug: Neutralizes excess buildup of acid caused by severe hypoxic states, helps restore normal pH
a.         Epinephrine
b.         Dopamine
c.         Sodium Bicarbonate
d.         Atropine

19.  What is the initial dose of Amiodarone in treating pulseless VT/VF?
a. 1mg (1;10,000) IV/IO
b. 1-2 grams IV/IO over 20 minutes
c. 300mg IV/IO
d. 2-2.5mg IV/IO

20. Magnesium is the drug of choice in the treatment of what dysrhythmia?
a.  Polymorphic VT associated with short QT intervals
b.  Torasdes de pointe
c.  Symptomatic bradycardia associated with beta blocker overdose
d.  Preexisting hyperkalemia


16. d. 40units.

17. a. Epinephrine

18. c. Sodium Bicarbonate

19. c. 300mg IV/IO

20. b. Torasdes de pointe


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