ACLS Pharmacology Questions

31.   What is the maintenance dosage of Amiodarone in the post arrest setting?

32.  What are some precaution for using Lidocaine after returning to spontaneous circulation?

33.  What two vasopressors drugs are recommended in the treatment of pulseless VF/VT?

34.  What are the therapeutic effects of epinephrine and vasopressin during a pulseless arrest?

35. 10.  Match the following medications with their correct corresponding dosages.
a. 1st dose of Diltiazem                        5mg
b. 2nd dose of Adenosine                     0.25mg/kg
c. 1st dose of Verapamil                       12mg
d. 1st dose of Metoprolol                      2.5-5mg


Begin with an IV loading dose of 150mg IV over 10 minutes
Follow by a slow infusion of 360mg IV over the next 6 hrs. (1mg/min)
Follow this with a maintenance infusion of 540mg IV over the next 18 hours (0.5mg/min)

Reduce maintenance dose (not loading dose) in presence of impaired liver function or left ventricular dysfunction.
Discontinue infusion immediately if signs of toxicity develop

Epinephrine 1mg IV/IO- may repeat every 3-5 minutes
Vasopressin 40 U IV/IO- may substitute for the first or second dose of epinephrine.

Epinephrine is use during resuscitation primarily for its alpha-adrenergic effects which lead to peripheral vascular vasoconstriction. This increases both cerebral and coronary blood flow during CPR. Vasopressin is a noradrenergic agent which also causes peripheral vasoconstriction. Overall, the effects of vasopressin have not been shown to be different from that epinephrine.

a. 1st dose of Diltiazem 0.25mg/kg
b. 2nd dose of Adenosine 12mg
c. 1st dose of Verapamil 2.5-5mg
d. 1st dose of Metoprolol 5mg


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