ACLS review

151.  What is synchronized cardioversion? 
It is a shock delivery that is timed (synchronized) with the QRS complex. This synchronization avoids shock delivery during the relative refractory portion of the cardiac cycle, when a shock could produce VF.

152.  When is it acceptable to use a precordial thump on a patient?
The precordial thump may be considered for patients with witnessed, monitored, unstable ventricular tachycardia including pulseless VT if a defibrillator is not immediately ready for use.

153. When the health care provider uses bag-mask ventilation with an adult (1 to 2 L) bag, what should the provider approximately tidal volume be when delivering ventilations? 
The rescuer should deliver approximately 600 mL of tidal volume sufficient to produce chest rise over 1 second.

154. What are some advantages of placing an endotracheal tube?
Keeps the airway patent
Permits suctioning of airway secretions
Enables delivery of a high concentration of oxygen
Provides an alternative route for the administration of some drugs
Facilitates delivery of a selected tidal volume
With use of a cuff, may protect the airway from aspiration

155.  Ideally, how long should compressions be interrupted to allow endotracheal intubation of a patient in cardiac arrest. 
Ideally they should be interrupted for less than 10 seconds

Reviewed 2/28/16


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