ACLS review

141.  List the criteria for high quality CPR.
Providing chest compressions of adequate rate (at least 100/minute)
Providing a compression depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm)
Allowing complete chest recoil after each compression
Minimizing interruptions in compressions
Avoiding excessive ventilation

142.  If multiple rescuers are available how often should they rotate the task of compressions?
Every 2 minutes.

143.  Once chest compressions have been started, how should a trained rescuer deliver rescue breaths to the victim of a cardiac arrest?
Deliver each rescue breath over 1 second.
Give a sufficient tidal volume to produce visible chest rise.
Use a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 chest compressions to 2 ventilations.

144. If a bystander is not trained in CPR, what is an acceptable technique for performing CPR?
The bystander should provide Hands-Only (chest compression only) CPR, with an emphasis on "push hard and fast," or follow the directions of the emergency medical dispatcher.

145.  What should a lone healthcare provider do if he/she sees a victim of cardiac arrest suddenly collapse?
Call for help and call the emergency response number
Get an AED and attach to the victim and use the AED
Provide CPR

Reviewed 2/28/16


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