ACLS review

116.  What is meant by the term pulseless electrical activity?
Describes a condition in which electrical activity or rhythm is displayed on the cardiac monitor but the patient has lost the contractile function of the heart.

117.  Give some examples of slow PEA rhythms.
Idioventricular rhythms
Ventricular escape rhythms
Bradyasystolic rhythms

118.   The 6H’s and the 6T’s describe some of the possible causes that may lead to PEA.  Name the 6H’s.
Hydrogen ion (acidosis)

119.  Fibrinolytic therapy for a patient presenting with an acute MI is most beneficial if given within ___ hours of the onset of symptoms?
12 hours.  In general, the shorter the time to reperfusion, the greater the benefit.

120.  What are the ECG characteristics for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)?
STEMI is characterized by ST segment elevation greater than 1mm in 2 or more contiguous precordial leads or two or more adjacent limb leads or new or presumably new LBBB 

Reviewed 2/28/16


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