ACLS review

121.  You come upon an unconscious victim who is not breathing but has a carotid pulse.  What actions should you take?
Assess responsiveness and breathing
Activate EMS system and get and AED
Feel for carotid pulse for 5-10 seconds
If a pulse is present but the victim is not breathing then ventilate the patient every 5-6 seconds (10-12 breaths per minute) and reassess the pulse every couple of minutes.

122.  Describe the technique for determining the correct size of an OPA for a patient.
Place the OPA on the side of the face with one end at the corner of the mouth and the other end at the angle of the jaw

123.  Question has been removed.

124.  What is the maintenance dose of Lidocaine that can be given to a patient after returning to spontaneous circulation?
Maintenance dose of Lidocaine 1-4mg/min
Reduce maintenance dose (not loading dose) in presence of impaired liver function or left ventricular dysfunction
Discontinue infusion immediately if signs of toxicity develop

125.  What are the indications for the administration of Calcium Chloride?
Known or suspected hyperkalemia (eg, renal failure)
Hypocalcemia (blood transfusions)
As an antidote for toxic effects of calcium channel blocker overdose

Reviewed 2/28/16


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