ACLS review
91. During adult CPR describe technique for administering compressions.
The person performing the compressions should push hard and fast and compress the chest at least 2 inches and allow for full chest recoil.
92. What is the correct way of sizing the patient for a nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) prior to inserting it into the patient?
The length of the nasal airway can be estimated as the distance from the nares to the patient’s ear lobes. The diameter of the NPA should not be larger than the diameter of the patient’s nostril.
93. What is the first antiarrhythmic and dosage that can be administered during a VF arrest?
Amiodarone 300mg IV/IO push. If necessary, may be repeated in 3-5 minutes at 150mg IV push.
94. What are the ECG characteristics of ventricular tachycardia?
P Wave: Not usually visible.
PRI: None
QRS: The QRS is wide and bizarre, usually 0.12 or greater.
Rhythm: The rhythm is usually regular.
Rate: The ventricular rate is 150 - 250. If the rate is below 150, it is called a slow VT.
95. After administering adenosine to a patient with SVT, what ECG changes might be observed on the monitor prior to conversion to a profusing rhythm?
The patient may experience a brief sinus pause or sinus arrest.
Reviewed 2/28/16
Reviewed 2/28/16
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