Practice EKG Strips 387

Identify the following rhythms.


a. Atrial flutter
b. Atrial fibrillation
c. Sinus rhythm
b. Mobitz II


a. External pacing with ventricular paced beats
b. External pacing with demand ventricular pacing
c. External pacing with failure to capture
d. External pacing with failure to sense


a. Sinus rhythm changing to VT
b. Sinus rhythm changing to VF
c. Sinus rhythm changing to SVT
d. Sinus rhythm changing to MAT


a. Atrial fibrillation with unifocal PVCs
b. Atrial fibrillation with a couplet
c. Atrial fibrillation with a run of VT
d. Atrial fibrillation with PACs


a. Sinus arrhythmia
b. Sinus arrest
c. Sinus rhythm with PACs
d. Sinus rhythm with dropped PACs

1. a. Atrial flutter. Lots of flutter waves before the QRS complexes.

2. c. External pacing with failure to capture. The QRS complexes should immediately follow the pacer spikes. You should increase the miliamps or repostion the pacing pads in order to obtain electrical capture.

3. a. Sinus rhythm changing to VT. The rhythm begins off as sinus rhythm. You can see the P waves better in the V1 lead. Then the rhythm changees to a polymorphic looking VT.

4. b. Atrial fibrillation with a couplet. The rhythm is very irregular. No obvious P waves are seen. A multifocal couplet is seen

5. c. Sinus rhythm with PACs. PACs ae see every 4th beat, quadrigeminal PACs. There is ST depression and T wave inversion in lead II- ischemia.


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