Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 212

Identify the following rhythms.







Junctional rhythm with bigeminal PVCs

The rhythm is irregular with a rate of 60/min.  No P waves are seen.  There are bigeminal PVCs present.   PR:  ---,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .44 sec.   Interpretation:   Junctional rhythm with bigeminal PVCs

Normal sinus rhythm
Wow, this strip looks really dirty.   I apologize.  Something must have changed in the contrast when it was uploaded.
The rhythm is regular with a rate of 60/min.  There are P waves associated with each QRS complex.  The P waves are upright and uniform.  There is ST depression and T wave inversion seen in lead II and 1mm ST elevation seen in lead V1.  PR:  .18 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .36 sec.  Interpretation:  Normal sinus rhythm

Normal sinus rhythm with PACs

The rhythm is irregular.   The rate is 100/min.   P waves are present and associated with a QRS complex.  There are two PACs, the 3rd and 8th complexes.  The P waves of the PACs are fused with the T wave of the preceding complex.  PR:  .20 sec,  QRS: .10 sec,  QT:  .36 sec.  Interpretation:  Normal sinus rhythm with PACs

Sinus bradycardia with a  pause

The rhythm is irregular with a rate of 40/min.   There are upright P waves paired with a QRS complex.  No ectopy is noted.   A 1.8 sec pause follows the 3rd complex.  PR:  ,12 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .44 sec.   Interpretation:  Sinus bradycardia with a  pause.

Ventricular standstill

The rhythm is regular.   The atrial rate is 71/min.   P waves are present but there is no ventricular activity.  Interpretation:  Ventricular standstill or P wave asystole.   If this were an idioventricular rhythm you would see a wider complex and a T wave with some ST changes present.


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