Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 168

Identify the following rhythms.







Normal sinus rhythm with unifocal PVCs

The rhythm is irregular due to the PVCs.   The rate is 90/min.  P waves precede QRS complexes and are uniform and upright.   Two unifocal ectopic beats are present.   There is a P wave before each of them and the QRS complex is wide.   These complexes may represent some kind of fusion beats.  PR:  .12 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .36 sec.

Bigeminal PVCs

The rhythm is irregular due to the PVCs.  The rate is 40/min. (this strip is longer than 6 seconds so be careful about how you count the R waves).  The P waves are upright and precede a QRS complex.  The PR interval is shortened.  There are unifocal PVCs every other beat,  bigeminy pattern.  The PVC look like they fall on what would be the T wave.  R-on-T?   PR:  .10,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .36 sec.

Complete heart block

The rhythm is irregular and there is complete AV dissociation present.   The atrial rhythm is slightly irregular with a rate of 50/min and the ventricular rate is irregular with a rate of 30/min.   There is no correspondence between the P waves and the QRS complexes.   A narrow complex junctional  escape beat is present.  PR:  ---,  QRS:  .12 sec,  QT:  .54 sec.  

Sinus bradycardia sinus arrhythmia

The rhythm is regular with a rate of 46/min.   There are small voltage P waves present and they are associated with a QRS complex.  No ectopy is present.   PR:  .12 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec. QT:  .42 sec.

Sinus tachycardia

The rhythm is regular with rate of 187/min.  Notice the small P waves in the bottom V lead.  The PR interval is shortened.  No ectopic beats are noted.  PR: .06,  QRS:  .08,  QT:  .30 sec.


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