Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 117

Identify the following rhythms.







1st degree block with unifocal PVCs

The rhythm is regular and the rate is 80/min.  The P waves are uniform, upright, and precede the QRS complexes.  Two unifocal PVCs are present.  A compensatory pause follows the PVC.  PR:  .24 sec,  QRS:  .10 sec,  QT:  .44 sec,

Complete heart block
There is AV dissociation present.  It looks like a type II block but there really is not any association between the P waves and the QRS complexes.   The PR interval is not consistent from beat to beat.   Atrial rate 110/min.  Ventricular rate 30/min.   PR:  ---,  QRS:  .12 sec,  QT:  .40 sec.

Sinus arrhythmia

The rhythm is irregular with a ventricular rate of  75/min.  The R-R interval between the first two complexes is .76 sec and the R-R interval between the last two complexes is .88 sec.  The P waves are positive and correspond to the QRS complexes.  No ectopic beats are noted.  PR:  .16 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .42 sec.

Complete heart block

Complete AV dissociation is present.   The atrial rate is 80/min and the ventricular rate is 40/min.  The P waves are upright and have no relationship with the QRS complexes.  No ectopic beats are present.  PR:  ---,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .48 sec.  The block is close to the AV junction which gives the QRS complexes a narrow appearance.

Atrial flutter

The rhythm is irregular and the rate is 70/min.  There are flutter waves present in a variable ratio.  5:1, 4:1, 3:1.  No ectopic beats are present.  PR:  ---,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .28 sec.


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