Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Part 2

·         Respiratory rate
·         Respiratory mechanics
·         Air entry
·         Level of consciousness
·         Skin color

Respiratory rate        bpm
·         Newborn               40 -60
·         Toddler                 24-40
·         Preschool              22-34
·         School age            18-30
·         Adolescent            12-16

Abnormal Respiratory Rate
·         Tachypnea
·         Bradypnea
·         Apnea

Note:   A consistent respiratory rate of < 10 or > 60 bpm in a child of any age is abnormal and suggests the presence of a potentially serious problems

·         Increased rate of breathing
·         Often first sign of respiratory distress
·         May be a normal physiologic response to stress

Quite Tachypnea
·         Increased breathing rate without signs of respiratory distress
·         Usually a physiologic response to maintain normal blood pH
·         Other causes:  Fever, sepsis, CHF, severe anemia, some congenital heart defects

·         Breathing rate that is slower than normal
·         Frequently accompanied by an irregular breathing pattern
·         Causes:  respiratory muscle fatigue, CNS injury or infection, hypothermia, medications

·         Cessation of breathing for > 20 seconds
·         Cessation of breathing for < 20 seconds when accompanied by bradycardia, cyanosis, or pallor
·         Agonal gasps do not produce effective ventilation and oxygenation

Note:  Central apena is caused by an abnormality or suppression of the brain and spinal cord
Obstructive apnea is occurs when the airflow is partially or completely blocked
Mixed apnea is a mixture of both central and obstructive apnea.


Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual by Leon, M.D. Chameides, Ricardo A., M.D. Samson, Stephen M., M.D. Schexnayder and Mary Fran, RN Hazinski (Oct 12, 2011)


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