PALS Review Questions

21.  In the treatment of PEA the rescuer is asked to look for reversible causes- the Hs & Ts.  Name the Hs.
Hypoxia, hypovolemia, hydrogen ions, hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, hypoglycemia, hypothermia

22. What are 5 signs and symptoms of shock or clinical instability?
Hypotension, altered mental status, cold, clammy skin, delayed capillary refill, absent or weak, thready pulses

23.  What are four differences between defibrillation and cardioversion?
Cardioversion delivers electrical current to the heart during a specific time during the cardiac cycle, treatment of choice for SVT
Defibrillation does not need synchonized with the ECG, it uses higher energy levels, used in the treatment of pulseless vfib/vtach

24. What is the dosage of Lidocaine used in the treatment of pulseless VF/VT?
1mg/kg IV/IO

25. What is the dosage and method of administration of dopamine during unstable bradycardia?
2-20mcg/kg/min IV/IO as an infusion


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