PALS Review Questions

PALS review
1.  What's is the dose and concentration of epinephrine used in the treatment of PEA?
0.01mg/kg of a 1:10,000 solution IV or IO

2.  What is the maximum cummulative dose of Amiodarone in treating pulseless VF/VT?

3. In a pediatric patient, Lidocaine is indicated in the treatment of what two cardiac problems?
Pulseless VF/Vtach and VT with a pulse

4.  Name 5 causes of bradycardia in a pediatric patient.
Hypoxia, hypothermia, heart blocks, head injury, heart medications, high vagal tone

5.  In a pediatric patient, what is indicated when the heart rate is less than 60 with accompanying and poor systemic perfusion?


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