ACLS review: Acute Stroke Part 1

Overall Goal of Stoke Care
·         Minimize brain injury
·         Maximize the patient’s recovery

·         Male to female ratio 1.25:1 for ages 55-64
·         Male to female ratio 1.50:1 for ages 65-74
·         Male to female ratio 1.07:1 for ages 75-84
·         Blacks have almost twice the risk of a first stroke than whites
·         In the US about 795,000 people suffer an new or recurrent stroke
·         Stokes are the leading cause of death in the US

Stoke Facts
·         87% of strokes are ischemic
·         13% hemorrhagic (10% intracerebral and 3% subarachnoid)

Stoke Chain of Survival
·         Rapid recognition and reaction to stroke warning signs
·         Rapid EMS dispatch
·         Rapid EMS system transport and prearrival notification to the receiving hospital
·         Rapid diagnosis and treatment in the hospital

8 D’s of Stroke Care
·         Detection: Rapid recognition of symptoms
·         Dispatch: Early activation and dispatch of EMS by 911
·         Delivery: Rapid EMS identification, management, and transport
·         Door:  Appropriate triage to stroke center
·         Data: Rapid triage, evaluation, and management within the ED
·         Decision: Stroke expertise and therapy selection
·         Drug: Fibrinolytic therapy, intra-arterial strategies
·         Disposition: Rapid admission to the stroke unit or critical care units

NINDS Critical In-Hospital Goals of Stoke Care
·         Immediate general assessment by the stoke team, ER physician within 10 minutes of arrival
·         Neurological assessment by stoke team or designee and CT scan performed within 25 minutes of hospital arrival
·         Interpretation of the CT scan within 45 minutes of ED arrival
·         Initiation of fibrinolytic therapy in appropriate patients within 1 hour of hospital arrival and 3 hours of symptom onset
·         Door to admission time of 3 hours

Note:  National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)


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