ACLS review: Asystole/PEA Review Questions Part 2

11. All of the following are true regarding drug delivery via the endotracheal route EXCEPT:

  1. Results in lower blood concentrations than the same dose given intravascular route.
  2. Give 2 to 2½ times the recommended IV dose.
  3. Enables drug delivery similar to that achieved by peripheral venous access at comparable doses.
  4. Providers should dilute the recommended dose in 5 to 10 ml of water or normal saline and inject the drug directly into the endotracheal tube

12. All of the following are beneficial effects of epinephrine EXCEPT

a.    Increases myocardial contraction
b.    Increases peripheral vascular vasoconstriction
c.    Increases myocardial oxygen consumption
d.    Increases heart rate

13. If PETCO2 is _______, it is reasonable to consider trying to improve CPR quality by optimizing chest compression parameters

  1. <60 mm Hg
  2. >10 mm Hg
  3. >40 mm Hg
  4. <10 mm Hg

14. A patient weighing 100kg is being treated for Asystole.  What is the maximum dose of epinephrine that can be given?

  1. 1 mg/kg/min
  2. 1 units/kg
  3. 1 mcg/min
  4. 1 mg

15.  A state of severely compromised perfusion in which a palpable pulse is absent but a weak pulse can be detected by doppler or echocardiography.

  1. Asystole
  2. Becks Triad
  3. Acute coronary syndrome
  4. Pseudo-PEA

16 Name the drug: Stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. Produces bronchodilation and increases heart rate and force of contractions.  Increases the electrical activity in the myocardium and automaticity.

  1. Epinephrine
  2. Dopamine
  3. Sodium Bicarbonate
  4. Atropine

17. Name the drug: Neutralizes excess buildup of acid caused by severe hypoxic states, helps restore normal pH

  1. Epinephrine
  2. Dopamine
  3. Sodium Bicarbonate
  4. Atropine

18.  When treating a patient for PEA and asystole it is important to look for underlying problems that may have triggered the cardiac event.  The most common problems are called the 5Hs and the 5Ts.  Name the 5 Hs.

A.    _________________
B.    _________________
C.    _________________
D.    _________________
E.     _________________

19.  When treating a patient for PEA and asystole it is important to look for underlying problems that may have triggered the cardiac event.  The most common problems are called the 5Hs and the 5Ts.  Name the 5 Ts.

A.    _________________
B.    _________________
C.    _________________
D.    _________________
E.     _________________

20.  Match the clinical problem with the appropriate intervention

Tamponade, Pericardial                                      Advanced airway placement        

Hypoxia                                                            Isotonic crystalloids at 20ml/kg

Tension pneumothorax                                       Adequate ventilations                          

Hyperkalemia                                                    Morphine, oxygen, nitroglycerine, aspirin

Tablets: Tricyclic antidepressant overdose            Needle decompression

Hypovolemia                                                     Pericardiocentesis

Hypothermia                                                     Thrombolytics, embolectomy

Thrombosis pulmonary                                       Warm IV fluids

Hydrogen ions, respiratory                                  Bicarbonate infusion or boluses

Thrombosis coronary                                          Calcium chloride, insulin, D50

Hypokalemia                                                      Electrolyte infusion


11. All of the following are true regarding drug delivery via the endotracheal route EXCEPT:

a. Enables drug delivery similar to that achieved by peripheral venous access at comparable doses.

12. All of the following are beneficial effects of epinephrine except

c. Increases myocardial oxygen consumption

 13. If PETCO2 is, it is reasonable to consider trying to improve CPR quality by optimizing chest compression parameters

d. <10 mm Hg

14. A patient weighing 100kg is being treated for Asystole. What is the maximum dose of Epinephrine that can be given?

d. 1 mg

15. A state of severely compromised perfusion in which a palpable pulse is absent but a weak pulse can be detected by doppler or echocardiography.

d. Pseudo-PEA

16 Name the drug: Stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. Produces bronchodilation and increases heart rate and force of contractions. Increases the electrical activity in the myocardium and automaticity.

a.  Epinephrine

17. Name the drug: Neutralizes excess buildup of acid caused by severe hypoxic states, helps restore normal pH

c.  Sodium Bicarbonate

18. When treating a patient for PEA and asystole it is important to look for underlying problems that may have triggered the cardiac event. The most common problems are called the 5Hs and the 5Ts. Name the 5 Hs.

Hydrogen ions (acidosis)

19. When treating a patient for PEA and asystole it is important to look for underlying problems that may have triggered the cardiac event. The most common problems are called the 5Hs and the 5Ts. Name the 5 Ts.

Tension pneumothorax
Thrombosis coronary
Thrombosis pulmonary
Tablets (overdose)

20. Match the clinical problem with the appropriate intervention

Tamponade, Pericardial                                Pericardiocentesis                
Hypoxia                                                      Advanced airway placement
Tension pneumothorax                                 Needle decompression 

Hyperkalemia                                              Calcium chloride, insulin, D50

Tablets: Tricyclic antidepressant overdose       Bicarbonate infusion or boluses       

Hypovolemia                                                Isotonic chrystaloids at 20ml/kg 

Hypothermia                                                Warm IV fluids 

Thrombosis pulmonary                                 Thrombolytics, embolectomy

Hydrogen ions, respiratory                             Adequate ventilations             

Thrombosis coronary                                     Morphine, oxygen, nitroglycerine, aspirin

Hypokalemia                                                 Electrolyte infusion

Reviewed on 3/1/16


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