Review questions: CPR

356. What is a living will?
A living will may be referred to as a “medical directive” or “declaration” or “directive to physicians,” and it provides written direction to healthcare providers about the care that the individual approves should he or she become terminally ill and be unable to make decisions.

357. What is a durable power of attorney?
A durable power of attorney for health care is a legal document that appoints an authorized person to make healthcare decisions (not limited to end-of-life decisions).

358.  What are comprehensive healthcare advance directives?
Comprehensive healthcare advance directives combine the living will and the durable power of attorney for health care into one legally binding document.

359.  What is a DNR?
A Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) order is given by a licensed physician or alternative authority as per local regulation; should explicitly describe the resuscitation interventions to be performed in the event of a life-threatening emergency; and it must be signed and dated to be valid.

360.  What is a surrogate decision maker?
If there is no court-appointed or other authority, a close relative or friend can become a surrogate decision maker. Most jurisdictions have laws that designate the legally authorized surrogate decision maker for an incompetent patient who has not identified a decision maker through a durable power of attorney for health care.

Reviewed 2/28/16


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