ACLS review: Pulseless Electrical Activity- part 8

·         Assess core temperature
·         Cardiac dysrrhythmias when < 86F (30C)
·         Many meds. are ineffective until temp >86F
·         Defibrillation ineffective unless temp >86F
·         Remember  “No patient is dead until he is warm and dead”
·         Hypothermic algorithim

·         Assess for drug overdose
·         Assess for hx of drug use
·         Consult poison control

Tablets: Calcium Channel Blockers
·         Hypotension
·         Bradycardia with variable heart block
·         Altered mental status
·         EKG: slow rate, prolonged PRI, AV blocks
·         Rx Calcium chloride 10% 1-4G slow IV
·         Fluid resuscitation, vasopressor agents, atropine, transvenous pacing

Tablets: Beta blockers
·         Hypotension
·         Bradycardia with variable heart block
·         EKG: slow rate, prolonged PRI
·         Rx Glucagon 3-10mg IV bolus followed by infusion 2-5mg/hr

Tablets: Tricyclic Antidepressants
·         Amitriptyline, Doxepine, Trazadone, Nortriptyline
·         Prolonged QT, Widened QRS
·         3Cs & 1A - Cardiac dysarrhythmias, Convusions, Coma, & Acidosis
·         Rx NaHCO3 bolus or infusions
·         Maintain pH > 7.45

Reviewed 2/28/16


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