Practice EKG Strips 309

Answer the following ACLS questions

1. Vagal maneuvers may be attempted when treating symptomatic SVT. What vagal maneuver is contraindicated?

a. Bearing down
b. Coughing
c. Bilateral carotid sinus massage
d. Ice water applications to the face

2.Catecholamine infusions may be given as an alternative to transcutaneous pacing when treating unstable bradycardia. What is the correct medication and dosage combination that can be used to treat this rhythm?

a. Dopamine 2 - 10 mcg/kg/min
b. Epinephrine 2 - 10 mg/hr
c. Levophed 2 - 10 mg/kg/hr
d. Atropine 0.5 mcg/kg/min

3. Hyperkalemia is a suspected cause for this patient in cardiac arrest. What medication combination may be use to emergently treat the patient?

a. Albuterol, Kayexalate (Sodium Polystyrene), Lasix (Furosemide)
b. Calcium chloride, D50. Regular Insulin
c. Sodium bicarbonate, Calcium chloride, Kayexalate (Sodium Polystyrene)
d. Calcium gluconate, Lasix (Furosemide), Lantus Insulin

4.  What secondary ACLS mediation may be used to treat this rhythm?

a. Lidocaine 1.0 - 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO
b. Lopressor (Metoprolol) 5 mg IV q5min up to max dose of 15 mg
c. Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) 50mcg/min
d. Cardizem (Diltiazem) 10mcg/kg/min

5.The following rhythm strip demonstrates:

a. Transcutaneous pacing with good electrical capture
b. Transcutaneous pacing with good mechanical capture
c. Transcutaneous pacing with failure to capture, increase the mAs
d. Transcutaneous pacing with failure to sense, decrease the sensitivity

1. c. Bilateral carotid sinus massage
2. a. Dopamine 2 - 10 mcg/kg/min
3. b. Calcium chloride, D50. Regular Insulin
4. b. Lopressor (Metoprolol) 5 mg IV q5min up to max dose of 15 mg
5. a. Transcutaneous pacing with good electrical capture


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