Practice Rhythm Strips 304

Identify the following rhythms.


a. Ventricular fibrillation
b. Ventricular tachycardia
c. Asystole
d. Ventricular standstill


a. NSR with PACs
b. NSR with some PJCs
c. NSR with a couple of PVC
d. NSR with escape beats


a. 1st degree block
b. Wenckebach
c. Mobitz II
d. Complete heart block


a. Sinus bradycardia with a multifocal couplet
b. NSR with multifocal PVCs
c. Sinus arrhythmia with uniform PVCs
d. Sinus tachycardia with bigeminal PVCs


a. Ventricular standstill
b. Asystole
c. Agonal rhythm
d. Sinus bradycardia


1. a. Ventricular fibrillation.  Juice 'em up at 200 J.
2. a. NSR with PACs
3. b. Wenckebach.  Those P waves are drifting away from the QRS complexes. The rhythm is irregular with a rate of 50/min. The P waves are positive and uniform. There is progressive elongation of the PR interval over successive beats.  Interpretation:  2nd degree AV Block Type II or just plain Wenckebach
4. b. NSR with multifocal PVCs.
5. a. Ventricular standstill.  The rhythm is regular with an atrial rate of 60. No QRS complexes are seen thus there is no ventricular activity and no cardiac output. Luckily for us the patient is a DNR. Interpretation: Ventricular standstill or P wave asystole.


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