
Showing posts from January, 2013

Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 99

Identify the following rhythms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answers 1. Junctional rhythm The rhythm is slightly irregular with a rate of 55/min.   The P waves are negative and precede the QRS complex.   No ectopic beats are noted.   PR:  .12 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .44 sec. 2. Normal sinus rhythm The rhythm is regular.   The rate is 79/min.   There are uniform, upright P waves that are associated with the QRS complexes. The P waves are tall suggesting right atrial enlargement.   No ectopic beats are seen.  PR:  .16 sec,  QRS:  .12 sec,  QT:  .44 sec. 3. Sinus arrhythmia The rhythm is irregular.   The PR interval between the 2nd and 3rd complex is .44 sec and the PR interval between the 9th and 10th complex is .84 sec.   No ectopic beats are seen.  PR:  .12 sec  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  .36 ...

Practice ECG Rhythm Strips 98

Identify the following rhythms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answers 1. NSR with unifocal PVCs (bigeminy) The rhythm is irregular with multiple ectopic beats.   The rate is 96/min.  The P waves are positive and are associated with a QRS complex.  Unifocal PVCs occur every other beat.  There are P waves before the 3rd and 4th PVC.   The remaining PVC have a slurred upstroke on the R wave suggesting that they are fused with a P wave, this is especially evident on the 6th PVC.  There is down slopping of the ST segment with a negative T wave.  PR:  .12 sec,  QRS:  .08 sec,  QT:  . 36 sec. 2. NSR with unifocal PVCs (trigeminy) The rhythm is irregular due to the ectopic beats.  The rate is 72/min.  There are positive P waves that are associated with a QRS complex.  Unifocal PVCs are seen every 3rd beat in a trigeminal pattern.  A compensatory pause fo...

Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 97

Identify the following rhythms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answers. 1. 1st degree block 2. NSR with bigeminy 3. Sinus arrhythmia 4. Junctional rhythm 5. Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response

Practice ECG Rhythm Strips 96

Identify the following rhythms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answers 1. Bradycardia with 1st degree AV block The rhythm is regular with a rate of 57/min.   The P waves are upright and precede each QRS complex.  The PR interval is prolonged.  No ectopic beats are present.   PR:  .24 sec,  QRS:  .12 sec,  QT:  .40 sec. 2. Demand AV pacing The rhythm is regular with a rate of 75/min.  The P waves are upright and associated with a QRS complex.   With the exception of the 2nd and 9th P waves, there are atrial pacer spikes before each P wave.  No ectopic beats are noted.  There are ventricular pacer spikes before each QRS complex.   PR:  .16 sec,  QRS:  .16 sec,  QT:  .44 sec. 3. NSR with ventricular bigeminy The rhythm is irregular due to the PVCs.   The P waves have a corresponding QRS complex and are uniform and uprig...

Practice EKG Rhythm Strips 95

Identify the following rhythms. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answers 1. Agonal rhythm The rate is 20/min.   No P waves are seen.   The QRS complexes are wide with some ST elevation.  P:   ---,   QRS:  .16 sec,  QT:  .48 sec. 2. SVT with aberrancy changing to NSR Notice that there is a right bundle branch block present in the patient's underlying rhythm.   When the rate speeds up the wide QRS complex gives the impression that the patient has ventricular tachycardia 3. Demand atrial pacing with some dropped beats The rhythm is irregular.   The rate is 60/min.  The P waves are upright and precede each QRS complex.  There is an atrial pacer spike before the 2nd and 6th complexes.  There is a dropped P wave after the 1st, 5th, and 8th complexes.  Ventricular pacer spikes precede each QRS complex. PR:  .10 sec,  QRS:  16 sec...