Code Blue

From the movie Gladiator

As Maximus stands unsteadily to his feet, the vision comes to him once again, this time more clearly than before.  His wife and son are there.  As he loses consciousness, he falls to the ground.  From out of the stadium comes Lucilla.  She runs into the arena and drops to his side and calls his name.

Maximus’ eyes open and looks up at her and in a whispered voice asks, “Lucius is safe?”

Lucilla gives him a reassuring nod.  At peace now, his eyes close and the light slowly fades.  Lucillia, sensing that death is near, urges him to “Go to them.”  With his face calm and at rest, the gladiator takes his last breath. 

Ventricular tachycardia

1st shock at 200 J

Refractory ventricular tachycardia

Epinephrine 1mg IV push given

CPR Rhythm

2nd Shock at 300 J

Ventricular Fibrillation

Vasopression 40 units given

CPR Rhythm

3rd shock at 360 J

Refractory Ventricular Fibrillation

Epinephrine 1mg IV given

CPR Rhythm

4th Shock at 360 J


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