Bundle Branch Block Quiz Part 2

Identify the following bundle branch blocks.




Incomplete right bundle branch block

The RSR pattern in V1 suggests a right bundle branch block.   Because the QRS complex is less than 0.10 sec this makes it an incomplete right bundle branch block
Left bundle branch block

The monophasic R wave in led I suggests a left bundle branch block.  The fast initial R wave reflects the depolarization of the right ventricle while the slow, broad down stroke of the R wave reflects the slow activation of the left ventricle.
Right bundle branch block

The QRS in V1 us wide.  Notice the prolongation of the 2nd R wave and the deep S wave that reflect the slower depolarization of the right ventricle.

Right bundle branch block

The QRS complex in V1 is greater than 0.12 sec.   The RSR pattern in V1 is characteristic of a right bundle branch block.  The initial R wave demonstrates the normal depolarization of the septum while the S wave reflects the depolarization of the left ventricle.  The second R wave is indicative of the slower right ventricular activation.
Left bundle branch block

The QRS complex in lead I has a small Q wave with a tall R wave.   The initial Q wave may reflect ativation of the septum and right ventricle while monophasic R wave is representative of the slower activation of the left ventricle.  The T wave is opposite the terminal direction of the QRS complex.
Left bundle branch block

The left leads in  V5 and V6 show wide monophasic R waves with T waves in the opposite direction of the QRS complex
Right bundle branch block

The RSR pattern in the right chest lead of V1 is characteristic of a right bundle branch block.   You have a small initial R wave followed by a normal appearing S wave.   The impulse then flows from left to right across the left ventricular myocardium to activate the right ventricle.  This creates a second R wave with a deep terminal T wave.  


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