ACLS review

281.  When initially assessing the patient for PEA, it is important to do the following:
a.  Give epinephrine 0.5mg IV push
b.  Assess pulselessness with Doppler
c.   Give atropine 0.5mg IV push
d.  Begin early transcutaneous pacing

282. All of the following are beneficial effects of epinephrine EXCEPT:
a. Increases myocardial contraction
b. Increases peripheral vascular vasoconstriction
c. Increases myocardial oxygen consumption
d.  Increases heart rate

283. What is the correct dosing interval for intravenous Epinephrine?
a. 1mg q10 minutes
b. 1mg q3-5 minutes
c.  2mg q10 minutes
d.  2mg q3-5 minutes

284. A patient weighting 100kg is being treated for PEA.  What is the maximum initial dose of epinephrine that can be given?
a.  1.5mg/kg  = 150mg IV/IO
b.  1 mg only
c.  1mg/kg = 100mg IV/IO
d.  0.75mg/kg  = 75mg/kg

285. Name the drug: Exerts direct vagolytic action on the SA and AV nodes and causes increased sinus node automaticity and AV conduction
a.  Epinephrine
b.  Dopamine
c.  Sodium Bicarbonate
d.  Atropine

Answers 281 -285
281.  b
282.  c
283.  b
284.  b
285.  d

Reviewed 2/28/16


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