ACLS review

11.  How do you open the airway of a patient with suspected cervical spinal trauma?
You open the airway by using the jaw-thrust technique without head extension.

12. After intubating a patient, asymmetric chest rise is noted and breath sounds are absent on the right during positive pressure ventilation.  What is the suspected problem?
The left main stem bronchus was intubated.   The ET tube should be pulled back and the breath sounds reassessed.

13. Magnesium is the drug of choice in the treatment of what dysrhythmia?
Torsades de pointe

14. When using a biphasic defibrillator, what is the joule setting when delivering the initial shock to an adult victim in VT/VF?
For biphasic defibrillators, providers should use the manufacturers recommended energy dose (eg, initial dose of 120 to 200 J) If the manufacturer's recommended dose is not known, defibrillation at the maximal dose of 200J may be considered.

15.  What is the dose of Procainamide used in the treatment of VT with a pulse?
Procainamide can be infused at 20 to 50 mg/min until the arrhythmia is suppressed,  hypotension develops, the QRS widens by >50%, or the maximum dose of 17 mg/kg is given.

Reviewed 2/28/16


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