ACLS review: Pulseless VF/VT Review questions part 2

Pulseless VF/VT Review Questions Part 2

11. When using a monophasic defibrillator, what is the initial joule setting used to defibrillate an adult victim?

12. What are the ECG characteristics of VF?

13.  Sodium bicarbonate is indicated in the treatment of what cardiac arrest situations?

14. What is the initial dose of Lidocaine when administered to an adult through an ET tube during pulseless VT/VF?

15. What are the recommendations for giving vasopressin during a cardiac arrest?

16. What is the recommended method for administering medications through a peripheral IV during a cardiac arrest?

17. What are the recommended drug dosages when giving medications through the ET tube?

Typically the drug dose given by the ET tube route is 2-2.5 times the recommended IV dose.

18. Name 5 medications that may be used in the treatment of pulseless VT?

19. What are 5 ways of verifying endotracheal tube placement in an adult?

20. What is the first antiarrhythmic and dosage that can be administered during a VF arrest?


11.         360 J

12.         P Wave: None are visible.

PRI: There is no PRI.

QRS: None

Rate: None

Rhythm: None. The baseline is totally chaotic

13.        Preexisting hyperkalemia

Preexisting metabolic acidosis

Tricyclic antidepressant OD

Aspirin overdose

Prolonged arrest interval after return of spontaneous circulation

14.        Lidocaine 2-3mg/kg via ET tube

15.       Vasopressin is no longer recommended for adult cardiac arrest 

16. The medication should be given by bolus injection followed with a 20ml bolus of saline or IV fluids.

17. Typically the drug dose given by the ET tube route is 2-2.5 times the recommended IV dose.

18. Epinephrine





19. Direct cord visualization

End tidal CO2 monitoring

Bilateral breath sounds

Continuous capnography


20. Amiodarone 300mg IV/IO push.  If necessary, may be repeated in 3-5 minutes at 150mg IV push.

Reviewed 2/28/16


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