Pediatric Advance Life Support: Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)

Assess ABCs- Primary Survey
·         Assess responsiveness and pulse
·         Active EMS system
·         Call for defibrillator/monitor

Note:  If a rhythm is present on the monitor but the pulse is absent (eg,PEA), CPR should be started immediately, beginning with chest compressions, and should continue for 2 minutes before the rhythm check is repeated.

Listen for Pulse Using Doppler
·         A doppler will help distinguish between a pulseless state and profoundly weak cardiac contractions with a low cardiac output (pseudo-PEA).
·         True PEA:  no pulse and no perfusion
·         Pseudo-PEA: weak pulse detected by doppler or echocardiography and severely compromised perfusion

Initiate CPR
·         Adequate compression rate (at least 100 compressions/min)
·         Adequate compression depth (at least one third of the AP diameter of the chest or approximately
·         1 1⁄2 inches [4 cm] in infants and approximately 2inches [5 cm] in children)
·         Allowing complete recoil of the chest after each compression
·         Minimizing interruptions in compression
·         Avoiding excessive ventilation

Secondary Survey
·         Intubate
·         Oxygenate
·         IV access
·         Treat reversible causes

Note: Once the patient is intubated, continue CPR with asynchronous ventilations and chest compressions.
Formula for Estimating Endotracheal tube size: 
Uncuffed ET tube:  mm ID = (age in years/4) + 4
Cuffed ET tube:  mm ID = (age in years/4) + 3

Confirm ET tube placement
n  Direct cord visualization
n  End-tidal CO2 monitor
n  Purple- problem
n  Yellow- yes
n  Tan- think about it
n  Bilateral breath sounds
n  CXR
n  Continuous waveform capnography

Note:  Continuous quantitative waveform capnography is now recommended for intubated patients throughout the periarrest period as a means of both confirming and monitoring correct placement of an endotracheal tube. 

Esophageal Detector Device (EDD)
·         May be considered in children weighing ≥ 20 kg with a perfusing rhythm
·         Insufficient data to recommend for or against its use in children during cardiac arrest

Verification of Endotracheal Tube Placement
·         Verify proper tube placement immediately after intubation
·         After securing the endotracheal tube
·         During transport
·         Each time the patient is moved (eg, from stretcher to bed)

DOPE Mnemonic
·         If an intubated patient’s condition deteriorates
·         Displacement of the tube
·         Obstruction of the tube
·         Pneumothorax
·         Equipment failure


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