Pediatric Advance Life Support: SVT Part 4

Vagal Maneuvers
·         May be attempted while waiting for cardioversion
·         Success depends upon the patient’s age and ability to cooperate
·         Increase parasympathetic tone thereby decreasing the patient’s heart rate

Note:  Carotid massage is usually ineffective in children; if it is attempted, it should be performed on only 1 side of the neck. Applying ocular pressure is contraindicated in all cases due to the risk of retinal detachment.

Vagal Maneuvers
·         Ice water application to the face
·        Older children may blow through a straw
·         Coughing
·         Valsalva maneuvers

Valsalva maneuver
·         Document the dysrhythmia before treating
·         Explain the procedure to the patient
·         Instruct the patient to inhale and hold their breath and:
·         Bear down as if to have a bowel movement, and to hold this position for 20-30 seconds

Broslow tape

Medication Dose Calculation
·         Use the child’s weight if it is known
·         If the child’s weight is unknown, it is reasonable to use a body length tape
·         No data regarding the safety or efficacy of adjusting the doses for obese patients


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