EKG Rhythm Strips 28: Junctional Rhythms

Identify the following rhythms


Accelerated junctional rhythm

The rhythm is regular.   The rate is 88.   There are not any P waves.  The QRS complex is narrow, 0.08 sec, QT: .42 sec.   Because the rate is between 80-100 and there are no P wave, this rhythm is identified as an accelerated junctional rhythm.
Junctional rhythm

The rhythm is regular.   The rate is 50.  There are inverted P waves before each QRS complex.  QRS: 0.08 sec.  QT: 0.40sec.   Inverted P waves are a signature of a junctional focus.  Because the rate is between 40-60, this makes it a junctional rhythm
Junctional tachycardia

The rhythm is regular.   The rate is 107.  There are no P waves before each QRS complex.  QRS:  0.10 sec  QT: .40 sec.   Based upon the rate and the absence of P waves, this makes this a junctional tachycardia.

Accelerated junctional rhythm

The rhythm is regular.  The rate is 71.  There are no P waves before each QRS complex.  QRS: .08, QT .40.  Interpretation:  accelerated junctional rhythm

Junctional rhythm

The rhythm is regular.  The rate is 40.  There are inverted P waves preceding the QRS complex.  QRS: .08 sec, QT: .40 sec.  The rate and inverted P waves are characteristic of a junctional rhythm.

Reviewed 3/1/16


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