Nursing Stuff: Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge: Question 01.  This device is looped with dual prongs on one end
It allow a liter flow of 1-5 LPM
a. Partial nonrebreather
b. Venturi mask
c. Nasal cannula
d. Face tent

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge:  Question 02.  This device might be used for mouth breathers.  It has side port which allows room air to enter and which vents exhaled carbon dioxide. It allow a liter flow of 5 – 10 L/min
a. Face tent
b. Nasal cannula
c. Venti mask
d. Simple mask

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge:  Question 03.  When giving oxygen at 4 L/min through a nasal cannula, the approximate FIO2 will be:
a. 24%
b. 28%
c. 32%
d. 36%

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge:  Question 04.  How do you convert a nonrebreather mask to a partial nonrebreather mask?
a. Remove the one-way side port valve flap
b. Decrease the liter flow to 10 L/min
c. Place a small puncture the reservoir bag to allow air CO2 to escape
d. Decrease the tension on the nose piece to allow exhaled air to escape

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge:  Question 05.  This mask has interchangeable adaptors that allow concentrations between 24-50%. 
a. Partial nonrebreather
b. Venti mask
c. Face tent
d. Simple mask

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge:  Question 06.  This device might be worn by a patient who cannot wear a mask or nasal prongs (eg. facial surgery or trauma).  It delivers an FIO2 of 21 – 55%
a. Nonrebreather mask
b. Venti mask
c. Face tent
d. Simple mask

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge: Question 07:  The best way for monitoring ongoing placement of an ET tube is:
a. Serial chest X rays
b. Continuous end tidal CO2 monitoring
c. Continuous pulse oximetry
d. Routinely auscultating of breath sounds

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge: Question 08: This form of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation delivers a preset inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) during inspiration and expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP).

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge: Question 09: The percentage of oxygen being deliver by either a noninvasive positive pressure device or a ventilator is called:
a. Liter flow
b. SPO2
c. FIO2
d. PO2

Oxygen Therapy Trivia Challenge: Question 10.  Effective use of this airway device may require two people.  Gastric distension is sometimes a problem if too much tidal volume is delivered.
a. Bag-Valve-Mask
b. Nonrebreather mask
c. LMA
d. Venti mask

01. c. Nasal cannula
02. d. Simple mask
03. d. 36%
04. a. Remove the one-way side port valve flap
05. b. Venturi mask
06. c. Face tent
07. b. Continuous end tidal CO2 monitoring
08. b. BIPAP
09. c. FIO2

10. a. Bag-Valve-Mask


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