EKG Rhythm Strip Quiz 169

Identify the following rhythms.


a.  Sinus bradycardia
b.  Junctional rhythm
c.  Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response
d.  Idioventricular rhythm


a.  Atrial flutter with rapid ventricular response
b.  Sinus tachycardia
c.  Supraventricular tachycardia
d.  Multifocal atrial tachycardia


a.  Demand atrial pacing
b.  Demand atrioventricular pacing
c.  Demand biventricular pacing
d.  Demand ventricular pacing


a.  Complete heart block
b.  Junctional rhythm
c.  Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
d.  Wide complex tachycardia


a.  1st degree AV block
b.  2nd degree AV block type I
c.  2nd degree AV block type II
d.  3rd degree AV block


a.  Normal sinus rhythm changing to complete heart block
b.  Normal sinus rhythm changing to sinus arrhythmia
c.  Normal sinus rhythm changing to accelerated junctional rhythm
d.  Normal sinus rhythm changing to idioventricular rhythm


a.  Normal sinus rhythm with a PAC
b.  Normal sinus rhythm with a PJC
c.  Normal sinus rhythm with an PVC
d.  Normal sinus rhythm with an escape beat


a.  Normal sinus rhythm with unifocal PVCs
b.  Normal sinus rhythm with multifocal PVCs
c.  Normal sinus rhythm with trigeminal PVCs
d.  Normal sinus rhythm with couplets and unifocal PVCs


a.  Normal sinus rhythm with sinus pauses
b.  Sinus arrhythmia
c.  Normal sinus rhythm with blocked PACs
d.  2nd degree heart block type II


a.  Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response
b.  Multifocal atrial tachycardia
c.  Supraventricular tachycardia
d.  Wandering atrial pacemaker


1.    a.  Sinus bradycardia
2.    b.  Sinus tachycardia
3.    b.  Demand atrioventricular pacing
4.    c.  Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
5.    c.  2nd degree AV block type II
6.    c.  Normal sinus rhythm changing to accelerated junctional rhythm
7.    a.  Normal sinus rhythm with a PAC
8.    d.  Normal sinus rhythm with couplets and unifocal PVCs
9.    c.  Normal sinus rhythm with blocked PACs
10.  b.  Multifocal atrial tachycardia


  1. Dear Mike,
    I am putting together a EKG interpretation poster for my floor for staff education. Your quiz is making it exceedingly difficult to find the correct rhythms for display, because your images appear on the google search for each of the multiple choice answers you provide. Google doesn't know if image 1 is
    a. Sinus bradycardia
    b. Junctional rhythm
    c. Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response
    d. Idioventricular rhythm
    so it shows the picture for each when searched.
    Thank you for hacking my search.

    1. Sorry about that. Feel free to use any of the strips on the site. They are for teaching purposes and free to anyone that needs to use them as a resource.


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