Megacode PEA Part 6

·         Look for tachycardia with narrow QRS complex
·         Assess and find bleeding sources
·         Fluid boluses with isotonic crystaloids
·         Volume expanders
·         Blood products

Hydrogen Ions (acidosis)
·         Assess ABGs
·         Bicarb 1mEq/kg
o   Known pre-existing bicarbonate responsive acidosis
o   Intubated patient with continued long arrest interval
o   Upon return of spontaneous circulation after long arrest interval
o   Tricyclic antidepressant or aspirin overdose
o   Known prexisting hyperkalemia
·         ·Treat respiratory acidosis with ventilation

Assess serum potassium levels
Tall T waves, widened QRS
3.5-5.3             Normal
5.3-6.0             Mild
6.1-7.0             Moderate
>7.0                Severe


·         Assess core temperature
·         Cardiac dysrrhythmias when < 86F (30C)
·         Many meds. are ineffective until temp >86F
·         Defibrillation ineffective unless temp >86F
·         Remember  “No patient is dead until he is warm and dead”
·         Hypothermic algorithim


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