ACLS review

286 Name the drug: Stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, produces bronchodilation and increases heart rate and force of contractions. 
a.            Epinephrine
b.            Dopamine
c.            Sodium Bicarbonate
d.            Atropine

287. Name the drug: Neutralizes excess buildup of acid caused by severe hypoxic states, helps restore normal pH
a.            Epinephrine
b.            Dopamine
c.            Sodium Bicarbonate
d.            Atropine

288.  When treating a patient for PEA and asystole it is important to look for underlying problems that may have triggered the cardiac event.  The most common problems are called the 6Hs and the 6Ts.  Name the 6 Hs.
A.            _________________
B.            _________________
C.            _________________
D.            _________________
E.            _________________

289.  When treating a patient for PEA and asystole it is important to look for underlying problems that may have triggered the cardiac event.  The most common problems are called the 6Hs and the 6Ts.  Name the 6 Ts.
A.            _________________
B.            _________________
C.            _________________
D.            _________________
E.            _________________

290. Patients who have either asystole or PEA will benefit from defibrillation attempts.
a.            True
b.            False

Answers 286-290
286.  a
287.  c
288.  Hypoxia, Hypovolemia,Hypothermia, Hydrogen ions, Hyperkalemia, Hypokalemia
289.  Toxins, Tension pneumothorax, Thrombosis coronary, Thrombosis pulmonary, Trauma, Tamponade
290.  a

Reviewed 2/28/16


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