PALS Review Questions

61. Hypoglycemia is defined as have a blood glues level less than ____ in neonates and ____ in infants and children? 45mg/dl in neonates 60mg/dl in infants and children 62. What is the volume of blood that is transfused in a pediatric patient with hemorrhagic shock? 10-15ml/kg of PRBCs 63. What are the ECG characteristics of SVT? Heart rate > 220 for infants Heart rate > 180 for children P waves absent or abnormal PR interval absent QRS complex is usually narrow Rhythm is regular 64. What are some conditions that may predispose a patient to torsades de pointed Long QT syndrome Hypomagnesemia Antiarrhythmic drug toxicity Other drug toxicities phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants. calcium channel blockers 65. Name some examples of distributive shock. Septic shock, neurogenic shock, and anaphylactic shock.