ACLS review: Bradycardia Review Questions Part 2

11. Identify the following heart rhythm:

A. 3rd degree heart block
B. Junctional rhythm
C. Idioventricular rhythm
D. Ventricular tachycardia
12. Identify the following heart rhythm:

A. Atrial fibrillation
B. Agonal rhythm
C. 3rd degree heart block
D. Wide complex tachycardia
13. Identify the following heart rhythm:

A. 3rd degree heart block
B. Junctional rhythm
C. Idioventricular rhythm
D. Ventricular tachycardia
14. Identify the following heart rhythm:

A. Mobitz II
B. Sinus Arrhythmia
C. Junctional rhythm
D. Atrial flutter
15. A 49 year old man comes to the ER with complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath. Physical exam shows him to be anxious and mildly confused. His skin is cool and clammy. Oxygen saturations are found to be 89% and he is found to have bibasilar rales. His BP is 88/42 and he has a weak pulse. After starting him on oxygen and placing him on the monitor, he is found to be in complete heart block. What would be the next appropriate treatment for this patient?
A. Start Dopamine drip at 5mcg/kg/min
B. Give Epinephrine 1mg IV push
C. Give Atropine 0.5mg IV
D. Begin transcutaneous pacing
16. The EKG monitor shows the following rhythm.  Identify the rhythm.

A. Third degree heart block
B. Idioventricular rhythm
C. Junctional rhythm
D. Agonal rhythm
17. A 56 year old female is admitted to your unit with c/o dizziness and weakness. On exam her skin is found to the touch. Her BP is 92/45, heart rate 35, and oxygen saturation 94%. After placing her on the monitor, the following rhythm is observed

The initial treatment of this patient might include:
a. Atropine 0.5mg IV
b. Transcutaneous pacing
c. Transvenous pacing
d. Cardioversion
18. When providing treatment for a patient with unstable bradycardia, the provider must decide if the patient is stable or unstable. All of the following are symptoms of an unstable patient except:a. Dyspnea
b. Altered mental status
c. Chest pain
d. Skin warm and dry
19. After placing the patient on the monitor. The following ECG rhythm is observed:

Identify the rhythm
a. Idioventricular rhythm
b. Complete heart block
c. 2nd degree type II
d. NSR with PVCs
20. Second degree AV blocks are classified as either Mobitz I or Mobitz II. Which statement most correctly describes Mobitz II?
a. Regular rhythm with PR interval greater than >.20
b. Irregular rhythm with P waves unrelated to QRS complexes and regular R-R interval
c. Irregular rhythm with progressive prolongation of the PR interval over successive beats
d. Irregular rhythm with normal PR interval on conducted beats and non-conducted P waves that are not followed by QRS complexes

11. C. Idioventricular rhythm
12. B. Agonal rhythm
13. A. 3rd degree heart block
14. A. Mobitz II
15. D. Begin transcutaneous pacing
16. C. Junctional rhythm
17. a. Atropine 0.5mg IV
18. d. Skin warm and dry
19. b. Complete heart block
20. d. Irregular rhythm with normal PR interval on conducted beats and non-conducted P waves that are not followed by QRS complexes

Reviewed 3/1/16


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