Basic EKG Rhythm Test 21 (Heart Block Challenge)

Identify the following rhythms. 1. a. First Degree block b. Second degree block type I c. Second degree block type II d. Third degree block 2. a. 1st degree block b. 2nd degree AV block type I c. 2nd degree AV block type II d. Complete heart block 3. a. First degree heart block b. Wenckebach c. Mobitz II d. Third degree heart block 4. a. First degree heart block b. Mobitz I c. Mobitz II d. Third degree heart block 5. a. 1 st degree AV block b. 2 nd degree AV block type I c. 2 nd degree AV block type II d. 3 rd degree AV block 6. a. First Degree block b. Second degree block type I c. Second degree block type II d. Third degree block 7. a. 1st degree block b. 2nd degree AV block type I c. 2nd degree AV block type II d. Complete heart block 8. a. First degree heart block with unifocal PVCs b. Wenckebach with unifocal PVCs c. M...