Code Blue

Again the vision of the white gate returns. And this time with his hand Maximus pushes open the gate. In the distance can be seen tall green cedars that line the road leading home. And beyond the his home can be seen an open field of golden wheat being gently blown by the wind. As he slowly crosses this sea of wheat, he can see two figures standing in the far off distance and the sound of boyish laughter can be heard. As the wind blows across this field of wheat it looks like great waves rolling across the face of the sea. With each wave, his steps become lighter and the cares that once held him are slowly washed away. As he wades through the field of golden wheat his wife and son look up and see him. Upon recognizing him, his son smiles and runs toward him …now he is home; now he is finally free. “Gladiator” and all related marks and media are TM & c2000 DreamWorks LLC & Universal Studios. Refractory V...