ACLS review

71.  You observe a victim fall to the ground in cardiac arrest.  What should you do? 
Activate EMS and obtain the AED
Begin CPR beginning with chest compressions while AED is set up
Analyze the rhythm and defibrillate if needed

72. What are 5 ways of verifying endotracheal tube placement in an adult?
Direct cord visualization
End tidal CO2 monitoring
Bilateral breath sounds
Continuous capnography

73. Where is the J point on an ECG waveform?
The J point is used to measure ST elevation in an acute MI. Locate where the S wave meets the T wave then measure 0.4 sec to the right. ST elevation or depression over 1mm is significant for AMI

74. What is the recommended rate setting when preparing to pace an adult with unstable bradycardia?
60-80 bpm

Reviewed 2/28/16


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