ACLS review

21.  The sequence for performing CPR is CAB.  What does CAB stand for
C- Check responsiveness and breathing.  Check for a carotid pulse.  Compressions
A-Open airway and using head-tilt chin lift or jaw thrust maneuver
B-Give two rescue breaths observing for chest rise and fall then resume compressions

 22.  Name three advantage of using an oropharyngeal airway (OPA) on an unconscious victim in cardiac arrest?

The OPA holds the tongue in place and prevents it from occluding the airway
It may serve as a bite block in an intubated patient
It permits easy suctioning of the oropharynx.

23.  What are four differences between defibrillation and cardioversion?
Cardioversion delivers electrical current to the heart during a specific time during the cardiac cycle
Cardioversion can be used on a variety of rhythms including SVT, Afib, Aflutter, Stable VT, and wide complex tachycardia
Defibrillation does not need to be synchronized with the ECG
Defibrillation uses higher energy levels
Defibrillation is used in the treatment of pulseless VT/VF

24. What is the initial dosage of Lidocaine used in the treatment of pulseless VT/VF?
Lidocaine 1-1.5 mg/kg IV push

25. What is the dosage and method of administration of dopamine during unstable bradycardia?
Dopamine 2-20mcg/kg/min as an infusion titrated to the patient’s response


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